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Life on the Deckle Edge

Poetry Friday - Four-word Poem for This Overwhelming Week


Greetings, Poetry Lovers - I'm feeling overwhelmed this week at the dismantling of our country, and now, the blowing up of 80 years of American leadership on the global stage. Initially I was heartbroken for the millions of hungry and hurting children and others abandoned with the gutting of USAID, and the many here who are suffering/will suffer from reckless, unnecessary, and just plain stupid cuts and policies, not to mention misinformation/disinformation.  Reform is one thing; fine - but the glee and inherent cruelty of the complete destruction of what's held us up for almost two and half-centuries is something else entirely. And now the President has changed sides in a war and turned his back on our allies. How does one measure the loss of trust? Billions, trillions, of dollars doesn't touch it. 




breaking news breaking everything



©Robyn Hood Black



I know many of us are calling and some are marching.  A streamlined way to contact elected leaders for any zip code is through 5 Calls.  My hubby directed me to their phone app which makes it even easier.  Remember to leave your full street address if you have to leave a message, so your call will be counted for that day. And remember to be kind to the person on the other end, who must be fielding all kinds of strong emotions with every answered call. 


The amazing and thoughtful Laura Purdie Salas has our Roundup this week; thank you, Laura!

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