I was thrilled to participate in Tabatha’s “Winter Poem Swap” this month and doubly thrilled to be her swap partner. Her poetic gift to me is perfect to share as we welcome the slow return of light to a darkened world. (Her work is shared here with permission.)
In the Great Book of Winter
by Tabatha Yeatts
for Robyn
In the Great Book of Winter,
The vast gray pages
Are covered with steadfast brown branch words.
Black bird apostrophes swoop into place,
And snowflakes spiral down
To end sentences with chilly white periods.
Cardinals surprise with red question marks,
And squirrels skitter through with their
Exclamation mark tails.
Slowly, slowly,
The Moon turns the pages
Of the Great Book of Winter,
Reading til Spring.
©Tabatha Yeatts. All rights reserved.
I love these delicious natural images – and on the Solstice today, I particularly love the Moon turning the pages.
Wishing you and yours love, light, and peace this holiday.
To turn more pages of light-filled poetry, visit Heidi, shining brightly today at My Juicy Little Universe .